We started out simply talking about the differences between wickedness and righteousness. Proverbs 10:23-30 gives a number of hints in that direction.
But then we tried to answer the question "How do you think a person becomes wicked or righteous?" (pick one of the following as your answer - taken from Talksheets):
- People become righteous or wicked based on their upbringing.
- The choices people make determine if they will be righteous or wicked.
- A person is born one way or the other.
- God makes some people righteous and some people wicked.
- Wicked people are that way because they've gotten involved in the occult.
- People who give Christ control of their life will be made righteous.
- People become wicked or righteous based on who they hang out with.
- People can never be just wicked or just righteous - everyone is a mix of both.
I would encourage each family to talk through these questions over the next week. We'll look forward to moving closer towards a conclusion next Wednesday!
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