What a great time at ONERuston tonight! If you couldn't make it this week, you have GOT to make it a priority for next week. It's too good to pass up. There were at least 230 students there. Two Empty Chairs did a great job leading worship (they'll be back next week). And Scott Wright, director of Wesley Fellowship at Tech, gave the message. He challenged us to recognize a few things:
- We are each created in the image of God. The image of God is in every single person who is alive on the planet. Everyone we come in contact with on a daily basis has the image of God imprinted on them and in them: the checkout clerk at the grocery store; the telemarketer who calls during dinner; your home's garbage collector; the person who has done something so horrible to you that you can't forgive them; the person who you did something so horrible to that they can't forgive you; and the list goes on and on and on.
- If we call ourselves Christians, we need to start acting like it. How many times on Sunday do you look around the gym and judge other people who are worshiping the God that you are worshiping? How many times on Sunday do you look at other people and think about how you are better than they are? That is NOT being ONE. Corinthians tells us that if we belong to Christ, then we are all members of the same body. And when one member of the body mourns, we all should mourn with them. And when one member of the body rejoices, we all should rejoice with them.
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